Participatory Action Research Hub Training Event

‘Developing a Participatory Research Project’ Friday 23rd October 2015. 2:30pm – 5pm | CLC406 Derman Christopher room. Calman Learning Centre |Mountjoy | Stockton Road | Durham | DH1 3LE(#40 on map)

Would you like to develop a participatory research project with partners from theuniversity and/or other community groups, but are wondering where to start? Thisfree training responds to feedback from those who have joined the Hub so far thathas indicated a high level of interest in participatory research, but a need for morepractical training on how to make their own projects happen. This training will:

– Help you develop a practical resarch question for your project.
– Work through key steps for turning a research idea into a researchproject, including a plan for making it happen.
– Enable you to consider what methods are best, and how to overcome challenges you may face (e.g. obtaining funding).
– Provide opportunities to meet others interested in being partners in similar research, from other organisations/university.
– Provide opportunities for academics and community members to learn from each other, through practising participatory approaches.

2.30 Arrival, tea and coffee (10 mins)
2.40 Introduction
2.45 Framing and refining the research question
3.15 Methods
3:45 Tea/coffee & pastries (10 mins)
3.55 Overcoming issues, challenges and barriers (incl. ethical issues in carrying out the research)
4.25 Funding and follow-up
4.55 Conclusion

We have a number of people who have expressed a particular interest in youth and community related topics, and Investing In Children will be joining us on the day to share their research experience and expertise. We hope that this might be a way of supporting research to develop in these areas. To book your free place, please email, with brief details of any topic/s on which you might be interested in developinginto a participatory research project.