This page is divided into two parts: Research reports at the top, and scroll down for Academic publications.
Research Reports
Chapman, T. (2023) Third Sector Trends in England and Wales 2022: shaping social change through campaigning and influencing, Newcastle upon Tyne: Millfield House Foundation.
Chapman, T. (2023) Community businesses in the North of England, London: Power to Change New report reveals community businesses generate more income compared with other third sector organisations – Power to Change
Chapman, T. and Wistow, J. (2023) Local health and social wellbeing: the contribution of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West, Durham: Policy&Practice.
Chapman , T. and Wistow, J. (2023) Local health and social wellbeing: the contribution of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Cumbria, Durham: Policy&Practice.
Chapman , T. and Wistow, J. (2023) Local health and social wellbeing: the contribution of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Yorkshire and Humber, Durham: Policy&Practice.
Chapman, T. (2023) People, places and policy: Third Sector Trends 2023, Newcastle upon Tyne: Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland. People, Places and Policy
Chapman, T. (2023) The structure, purpose, energy and impact of the Third Sector in the West Midlands, Newcastle upon Tyne, Community Foundation. Structure, purpose, energy and impact of the Third Sector in the West Midlands (May 2023)
Chapman, T. (2023) The structure, dynamics and impact of the third sector in Essex: new analysis from Third Sector Trends, Policy&Practice, Durham. The Structure, dynamics and impact of the Third Sector in Essex (November 2023)
Chapman, T. (2023) Third Sector Trends in England and Wales 2022: relationships, influencing and collaboration, Newcastle upon Tyne: Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland. Relationships, influencing and collaboration
Chapman, T. (2023) Third Sector Trends in England and Wales 2022: finances, assets and organisational wellbeing, Newcastle upon Tyne: Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland. Third-Sector-Trends-2022-finances-assets-and-organisational-wellbeing-January-2023.pdf (
Robinson, F. (2023) Churches and tainted money: principles or pragmatism? Durham; Policy&Practice. Churches-and-tainted-money-principles-and-pragmatism-January-2023.pdf (
Chapman, T. (2022) Third Sector Trends in England and Wales 2022: employees, volunteers, diversity and investment in people, Newcastle upon Tyne: Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland. Third-Sector-Trends-in-England-and-Wales-2022-employees-volunteers-diversity-and-investment-in-people-December-2022.pdf (
Chapman, T. (2022) Third Sector Trends in England and Wales 2022: structure, purpose, energy and impact, Newcastle upon Tyne: Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland. Third-Sector-Trends-in-England-and-Wales-2022-structure-purpose-energy-and-impact-November-2022-2.pdf (
Chapman, T. (2022) Third Sector Trends in England and Wales 2022 research methodology, Durham: Policy&Practice, St Chad’s College, Durham University.
Chapman, T. (2022) Going the distance: how Third Sector organisations work through turbulent times, Newcastle upon Tyne: Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland.
Robinson, F. (2022) Money Talk, Reform, July/August
Chapman, T. (2022) The contribution of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector to health and wellbeing in Humber, Coast and Vale, Durham: Policy&Practice. The-contribution-of-the-VCSE-sector-to-health-and-wellbeing-in-Humber-Coast-and-Vale-February-2022.pdf (
Chapman, T. (2022) The structure, dynamics and impact of the VCSE sector in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. Durham: Policy&Prctice
Chapman, T. (2022) Structure and Dynamics of the Third Sector in England and Wales: technical paper on working definitions and baseline data analysis, (second revision), Durham: Policy&Practice
Gray, T. (2022) The Bridge Project: Together Talks pilot project independent review, Durham: Policy&Practice
Robinson, F. and Ogilvie, I. (2021) The Auckland Project independent evaluation of the National Lottery Heritage Fund Project, Durham: Policy&Practice.
Chapman, T. (2021) The structure, dynamics and impact of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector: a study of West Yorkshire Combined Authority, West Yorkshire & Harrogate Health and Care Partnership and Humber Coast and Vale Health and Care Partnership areas, Durham: Policy&Practice.
Chapman, T. (2021) Going the extra mile: how businesses support the third sector in England and Wales, London: Pro Bono Economics.
Chapman, T. (2021) Enterprise and innovation in the context of place: An exploratory comparative statistical analysis (summary report), Durham: Policy&Practice/North East Local Enterprise Partnership,
Chapman, T. (2021) Enterprise and innovation in the context of place: An exploratory comparative statistical analysis, Durham: Policy&Practice/North East Local Enterprise Partnership
Chapman, T. (2020) The structure and dynamics of the Third Sector in England and Wales: technical paper on working definitions and baseline data analysis. Durham.
Chapman, T. (2020) Diversity and Inclusion in organisational leadership: evidence from Third Sector Trends 2020, Newcastle upon Tyne: Community Foundation serving Tyne & Wear and Northumberland.
Chapman, T., Longlands, S. and Hunter, J. (2020) Third Sector Trends Survey: Covid-19 and its potential impact on the third sector in the North, London, IPPR.
Chapman, T. (2020) Third Sector Trends Covid Impact Study, Newcastle, Community Foundation serving Tyne & Wear and Newcastle.
Chapman, T. (2020) Community businesses in the North of England 2020: new comparative analysis from the Third Sector Trends Study, London: Power to Change.
Chapman, T. (2020) Third Sector Trends in North West England 2020: a digest of findings, Newcastle, Community Foundations serving Tyne and Wear and Northumberland.
Chapman, T. (2020) Third Sector Trends in North East England 2020: a digest of findings, Newcastle, Community Foundations serving Tyne and Wear and Northumberland.
Chapman, T. (2020) Third Sector Trends in Yorkshire and Humber 2020: a digest of findings, Newcastle, Community Foundations serving Tyne and Wear and Northumberland.
Chapman, T. (2020) The Strength of Weak Ties: How charitable trusts and foundations collectively contribute to civil society in North East England, Newcastle, Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland
Chapman, T and Gray, T. (2019) Striking a balance: a study of how community businesses in Bradford, Hartlepool and Middlesbrough build working relationships with the public, private and third sectors. London: Power to Change.
Chapman, T. (2019) The social process of supporting small charities: an evaluation of the Lloyds Bank Foundation Grow programme, Durham: Policy&Practice.
Chapman, T., Rich, S., Gray, T. and Braidford, P. (2019) Understanding barriers to young people’s aspirations and ambitions in County Durham, Durham: Institute for Local Governance.
Chapman, T. and Rich, S. (2019) Evaluation of the NYAs ‘The Environment Now’ Programme, Durham: Policy&Practice:.
Chapman, T. and Gray, T. (2018) How do community businesses differ from other voluntary organisations? Durham: Policy&Practice.
Chapman, T. and Hunter, J. (2018) The value of volunteering in the North, Manchester, IPPR North.
Chapman, T. (2018) ‘Real goals for real people?’ Discover Society, October.
Chapman, T., Mawson, J., Robinson, F. and Wistow, J. (2018) How to work effectively with the third sector A discussion paper for public sector organisations, Durham, Institute for Local Governance. ILG How to work effectively with the third sector discussion paper March 2019.
Chapman, T. and Rich, S. (2018) Evaluation of My Money Now delivered by the National Youth Agency, London: Money Advice Service Evidence Hub. A249-MAS-NYA-My-Money-Now-Evaluation-Report-March-2018
Chapman, T. and Hunter, J. (2018) The value of business to the third sector in the North, Manchester: IPPR North. value-of-business-to-the-third-sector-march18
Chapman, T. (2017) Tackling poverty in the North: the role of the third sector, Durham, Policy&Practice. Tackling Poverty in the North – Third Sector Trends
Robinson, F., Shaw, K. and Regan, S. (2017) Who Runs the North East Now? Governance and Governing in an English Region. Who Runs the North East Now — Main Report Oct 2017 FINAL 09-10-17 (2)
Robinson, F., Shaw, K. and Regan, S. (2017) Who Runs the North East Now? Governance and Governing in an English Region (Summary Report) Who Runs the North East Summary Report October 2017 FINAL 10-10-17
Lindsey, I. and Chapman, T. (2017) Enhancing the contribution of sport to the Sustainable Development Goals, London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
Chapman, T. (2017) Third Sector Trends in Yorkshire and the Humber 2016, Durham: Policy&Practice.
Chapman, T. (2017) Third Sector Trends in North East England 2016, Newcastle: Community Foundation.
Chapman, T. (2017) Third Sector Trends in Bradford 2016, Durham: Policy&Practice.
Chapman, T. (2017) Third Sector Trends in North West England 2016, Durham: Policy&Practice.
Chapman, T. and Hunter, J. (2017) Third sector trends in the north of England: a summary of key findings, Manchester. third-sector-trends-in-the-north-of-england-mar2017
Robinson, F. and Townsend, A. (2017) Benwell forty years on: Policy and change after the Community Development Project, Durham University, Centre for Social Justice and Community Action. Benwell…..fortyyearsonrevisedSB4thversionwithexceltimelinespreadsheet23.2.17
Robinson, F. and Townsend, A. (2017) North Shields forty years on: Policy and change after the Community Development Project, Durham University, Centre for Social Justice and Community Action. NorthShields40yearson5thversionwithexceltimeline2revisedSB23.2.17
Robinson, F. (2015) Northern Rock Foundation: history and achievements, Newcastle upon Tyne: Northern Rock Foundation. Download here.
Chapman, T. (2015) Key findings from the Northern Rock Foundation Third Sector Trends Study in Cumbria, Newcastle: Northern Rock Foundation. The report is available here: Third Sector Trends in Cumbria (November 2015)
Theodorakopoulos, N., Hart, M., Burke, G., Stephan, U., Braidford, P., Allinson, G., Houston, M. and Jones, S. (2015) Sociology of Enterprise, London: BIS Research Paper Number 238
Chapman, T. and Robinson, F. (2015) Key findings from the Northern Rock Foundation Third Sector Trends Study, Newcastle, Northern Rock Foundation. The report is available here:
Allinson, G., Braidford, P., Houston, M. and Stone, I. (2015) Understanding growth in small businesses, BIS Research Paper 216
Allinson, G., Baker, G., Braidford, P., Houston, M. and Lomax, S. (2015) Digital capabilities in SMEs: evidence review and re-survey of 2014 Small Business Survey respondents. a report by BMG Research and Durham University, BIS Research Paper 247
Allinson, G., Baker, G., Braidford, P., Houston, M., Lomax, S and Stone, I. (2015) Formative evaluation of GrowthAccelerator, BIS Research Paper 189
Chapman, T. (2015) The situation of Third Sector organisations working in rich and poor areas, Newcastle, Northern Rock Foundation. The report is available here:
Chapman, T., Rich, S., Wilson, H. and Crowther, A. (2015) Social Action Journey Fund Evaluation Final Report, Durham: Policy&Practice, St Chad’s College. SAJF NYA PROJECT EVALUATION REPORT (FINAL) 25th June
Chapman, T. (2015) An assessment of the willingness of organisations to borrow money in the Third Sector: Findings from studies in Yorkshire, North East England and Cumbria, Newcastle: Northern Rock Foundation. The report can be found at this address:
Robinson, F., Zass-Ogilvie, I., Elliott, G. and Jefferson, D. (2015) Assets or Liabilities? Sustaining community buildings in County Durham, Durham: Policy&Practice, St Chad’s College, Durham University, Assets or Liabilities ILG Report April 2015
Chapman, T. and Robinson, F. (2014) Third Sector Trends in North East England and Cumbria 2008-2014: Headline Findings, Newcastle, Northern Rock Foundation. The report can be found here.
Chapman, T. (2014) Opening Doors an evaluation of O2 Think Big in the UK, Durham: Polciy&Practice, St Chad’s College, Durham University.
Chapman, T. and Robinson, F. (2014) Keeping it Simple: how to work effectively with the third sector: a discussion paper and evidence review for local authorities, Durham: Institute for Local Governance. The summary report can be found here: KEEPING IT SIMPLE How to work effectively with the third sector (October 2014); Keeping it Simple (Summary Report) October 2014
Pharoah, C., Chapman, T. and Choudhury, R. (2014) An insight into charity funding in the North East, London: Garfield Weston Foundation. Available from:
Chapman, T. (2014) Third Sector Trends in Yorkshire and Humber, Leeds: Involve Yorkshire and Humber. Find the whole summary report here: third-sector-trends-2014-in-yorkshire-humber-executive-summary-final. And the complete report here: Third Sector Trends in Yorkshire and the Humber May 2014
Allinson, G., Braidford, P., Houston, M. and Stone, I. (2014) Research into family businesses: BIS Research Paper No. 172
Braidford, P. and Stone, I. (2013) Customer journeys in business support services, BIS Research Paper 155
Allinson, G., Braidford, P., Houston, M. and Stone, I. (2013) Understanding growth In microbusinesses, BIS Research Paper No. 114
Allinson, G., Stone, I. and Robson, P. (2013) Economic evaluation of the Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG) scheme, report for BIS
Braidford, P., Fettiplace, S., Jamieson, D., Lambourne, E., Stone, I. and York, C. (2013) Large businesses and SMEs: exploring how SMEs interact with large businesses, report by ORC International for Department of Business, Innovation and Skills
Chapman, T. and Dunkerley, E. (2013) Young People and Postive Social Action – NYA Social Action Fund evaluation report 2013, Durham: Policy&Practice, St Chad’s College Durham University.
Chapman, T. and Dunkerley, E. (2014) Opening-Doors-an-evaluation-of-O2-Think-Big-in-the-UK-1, Durham: Policy&Practice, St Chad’s College Durham University.
Chapman, T. and Dunkerley, E. (2013) Fundación Telefónica’s O2Think Big programme across Europe: 2012 evaluation, Madrid, Fundación Telefónica. Buildinig young people’s resilience in hard times across Europe – an evaluation of O2 Telefonica Think Big 2012
Mawson, J., Laffin, M. and Ormston, C. (2012) Connecting Local Communities to the Nation. a review of relationships between local communities and national policy systems, Swindon: Arts and Humanities Research Council.
Chapman, T. and Robinson, F. (2012) The Crystal Ball: how do third sector organisations see their future and what are they doing about it? Newcastle: Northern Rock Foundation.
Robinson, F. and Chapman, T. (2013) The Reality Check: Final report on the second phase of the Northern Rock Foundation Third Sector Trends Study, Newcastle: Northern Rock Foundation.
Chapman, T. and Robinson, F. (2013) On the Money: how does the way third sector organisations think about money affect the way they work?, Newcastle: Northern Rock Foundation.
Chapman, T., Robinson, F., Bell, V., Dunkerley, E., Zass-Ogilvie, I. and van der Graaf, P. (2013) Walking a Tightrope balancing critical success factors in hard times, Newcastle: Northern Rock Foundation.
Chapman, T. and Robinson, F. (2013) Third Sector Organisations Self Evaluation Framework, Newcastle, Northern Rock Foundation.
Chapman, T., Robinson, F. et al (2012) Taking the Temperature: how are third sector organisations doing?, Newcastle upon Tyne: Northern Rock Foundation.
Chapman, T., Bell, V. and Robinson, F. (2012) Measuring Impact: easy to say, but hard to do, Newcastle upon Tyne: Northern Rock Foundation.
Chapman, T. and Robinson, F. (et al) (2012) Journeys and Destinations: the impact of change on third sector organisations, Newcastle upon Tyne: Northern Rock Foundation.
Chapman, T. and Dunkerley, E. (2012) Building young people’s resilience in hard times O2 Think Big Evaluation Report May 2012: London: O2/Telefónica.
Braidford, P., Bolger, F., Houston, M., and Stone, I. (2012) Promoting high performance working, report for UKCES/BIS
Allinson, G. (2012) Survival analysis of social ventures created by UnLtd award winners, report for UnLtd
Allinson, G., Braidford, P., Houston, M., Robinson, F. and Stone, I. (2012) Business support for social enterprises: findings from a longitudinal study, report for UK Office for Civil Society and Department of Business, Innovation and Skills Support for Social Enterprises v2.pdf
Braidford, P., Davies, B., Lomax, S., Newton, J., Reynolds, L. and Stone, I. (2012) Solutions for Business customer monitoring survey 2011, report prepared for BIS
Robinson, F. Bell, V. and Chapman, T. (2011) Building Better Boards: what’s the problem?, Newcastle upon Tyne: Northern Rock Foundation.
Robinson, F., Zass-Ogilvie, I. and Hudson, R. (2012) How can universities support disadvantaged communities?, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Chapman, T., van der Graaf, P., Bell, V. and Dunkerley, E. (2011) Stepping Stones O2 Think Big Evaluation Report 2010, Middlesbrough: Social Futures Institute, Teesside University.
Braidford, P. and Stone, I. (2011) Solutions for Business customer monitoring survey 2010, report prepared for BIS
Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. et al. (2000) Who runs the North East now? A review and assessment of governance in North East England, Durham: University of Durham/Northumbria University. Who runs the North East REPORT 2000
Mawson, J. (2000) Analysis of the Role of Central Government at Regional and Local Levels. Annex J, pp 1-79 in Reaching out: the role of central government at regional and local levels, London: Cabinet Office Performance Innovation Unit. HMSO.
Academic publications
Chapman, T. (2023) ‘Bouncing back: the employment of sector attributes to recover from crises’, in Rees, J., Macmillan, R., Dayson, C., Damm, C and Bynner, C. (eds.) Covid 19 and the voluntary and community sector in the UK: responses, impacts and adaptation, Bristol: Policy Press.
Mawson, J., Demazière, C. and Hall, S. (2020) ‘Les métropoles Française vues d’Angleterre: un jeu entre l’etat et les notables?’ Chapter 2 in Demzière, C. et al., La gouvernance des métroples et des régions urbaines. Lyon: Inter Ministerial Research Programme PUCA.
Lindsey, I., Chapman, T. and Dudfield, O. (2019) ‘Configuring relationships between state and non state actors: a new conceptual approach for sport and development’. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics,
Mawson, J. and Griffin, M. (2019) ‘Research, knowledge exchange and impact: the experience of a university public sector partnership in North East England’ in Liddle, J. and Shutt, J. (eds) The North East After Brexit, London: Emerald Publishing, chapter 11.
Shaw, K. and Robinson, F. (2019) ‘Whatever happened to the North East? Reflections on the end of regionalism in England’, Local Economy, 33(8): 842-861.
Chapman, T. (2018) ‘Assets and liabilities: what contribution can ‘positive intervention’ programmes make to the social mobility of disadvantaged young people?’, in G. Payne and S. Lawler (eds.) Everyone’s a Winner: social mobility in contemporary Britain, London: Palgrave.
Lindsey, I. and Chapman, T. (2017) Enhancing the contribution of sport to the sustainable development goals, London: Commonwealth Books.
McGuinness, D. and Mawson, J. (2017) ‘The rescaling of sub-national planning: Can localism resolve England’s spatial planning conundrum?’ Town Planning Review, 88(2) 283-303,
Chapman, T. (2017) ‘The propensity of third sector organisations to borrow money in the UK’, Policy Studies, 38(2), 185-204. http://10.1080/01442872.2017.1288901
Chapman, T. (2017) ‘Journeys and destinations: how third sector organisations navigate their future in turbulent times’, Voluntary Sector Review, 8(1), 3024. http://10.1332/204080516X14799054697067
Laffin, M., Mawson, J. and Ormston, C. (2014) ‘Public services in a ‘post-democratic age’: an alternative framework to network governance’ Environment and Planning C Government and Policy, 32(4):762-776,
Chapman, T. (2014) ‘Regeneration through Social Enterprise: government-driven and community-led initiatives in Britain and Japan‘, in M Leary and J McCarthy (eds.) Companion to Urban Regeneration, London: Routledge.
Chapman, T. and McGuinness, B. (2013) ‘Consuming values in a social market: making choices about volunteering and non volunteering’, Social and Public Policy Review, 7(1). Chapman & McGuinness 2013
Robinson, F. and Hudson, R. (2012) ‘Can universities really effectively engage with socially excluded communities?’ in P. Benneworth (ed.) University Engagement with Socially Excluded Communities, Dordrecht: Springer.
Robinson, F. and Braidford, P. et al. (2012) ‘Swimming against the tide: A study of a neighbourhood trying to rediscover its ‘reason for being’ – the case of South Bank, Redcar and Cleveland’, Local Economy, 27(3), pp251-64.
Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2012) ‘From ‘regionalism’ to ‘localism’: Opportunities and challenges for North East England’, Local Economy, 27 (3), pp232-50, 2012
Chapman, T. (2012) ‘Ideal Homes’, International Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home, London: Elsevier.
Wilson, R., Cornford, J., Baines, S. and Mawson, J. (2011) ‘Information for localism? Policy sense-making for local governance’, Public Money & Management, 31(4) 295-299,
Chapman, T. (2011) ‘Smoke and Mirrors: The Influence of Cultural Inertia on Social and Economic Development in a Polycentric Urban Region’, Urban Studies, 48(5), pp. 1037-1058.http://10.1177/0042098010375993
Mawson, J. (2010) ‘Social enterprise, strategic networks and regional development: The West Midlands experience’, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 30(1/2):66-83,
Chapman, T.; Brown, J., Ford, C. and Baxter, B. (2010) ‘Trouble with champions: local public sector – third sector partnerships and the future prospects for collaborative governance in the UK’, Policy Studies, 30(6), pp. 613-630
Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2010) ‘UK urban regeneration policies in the early twenty-first century: continuity or change?’, Town Planning Review 81(2).
Pearce, G. and Mawson, J. (2009) ‘Governance in the English regions: Moving beyond muddling through?’, International Journal of Public Sector Management 22(7)
Mawson, J. (2009) ‘Local Economic Development and the Sub-National Review: Old Wine in New Bottles?’, Local Government Studies 35(1) 39-59,
Pearce, G., Mawson, J. and Ayres, S. (2008) ‘Regional governance in England: a changing role for the Government’s regional offices’, Public Administration 86(2):443 – 463,
Chapman, T., Crow, R. and Brown, J. (2008) ‘Entering a Brave New World? An assessment of third sector readiness to tender for the delivery of public services’, Policy Studies, 28(1), pp. 1-17.
Chapman, T., Forbes, D. and Brown, J. (2007) ‘They have God on their side’: the impact of public sector attitudes on the development of social enterprise’, Social Enterprise Journal, 2(1), pp. 78-89.
Mawson, J. (2007) ‘Regional governance in England: Past experience, future directions?’ International Journal of Public Sector Management 20(6):548-566,
Mawson, J. (2007) ‘Research Councils, Universities and Local Government – Building Bridges’, Public Money & Management, 27(4) 265-272,
Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2006) ‘After the referendum: reforming governance in North East England’, Foundation, 3(1), 81-91
Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2006) ‘Governance in the post-referendum North East’, Northern Economic Review, 37, 5-24.
Robinson, F. (2005) ‘Regenerating the West End of Newcastle: what went wrong?’ Northern Economic Review, 36, 15-42.
Robinson, F., Shaw, K. and Davidson, G. (2005) ‘“On the side of the Angels”: community involvement in the governance of neighbourhood renewal’, Local Economy, 20(1), 13-26.
Chapman, T. (2004) Gender and Domestic Life: Changing Practices in Families and Households, Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2003) ‘Who governs North East England? A regional perspective on governance’, in Cornforth, C. (ed.) What do boards do? The Governance of public and non-profit organisations, Routledge.
Pearce, G. and Mawson, J. (2003) ‘Delivering devolved approaches to local governance’, Policy & Politics 31(1) 51-57,
Robinson, F. (2002) ‘The North East: A Journey through time’, City, 6(3), 317-34.
Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2001) ‘Governance in the Health Service: who runs the NHS in the North East of England?’ Local Governance, 27(4), 175-96.
Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2001) ‘Governing a region: structures and processes of governance in North East England’, Regional Studies, 35(5), 473-78.
Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2001) ‘Regeneration partnerships, “community” and governance in North East England’, Northern Economic Review, 31, 4-19.
Robinson, F. and Jackson, M. (2001) ‘Deprivation in the North East’, Northern Economic Review, 31, 38-55.
Chapman, T. (2001) ‘There’s no place like home’, Theory Culture and Society, 18(6), pp135-146.
Mawson, J. and Hall, S. (2000) ‘Joining it up locally? Area regeneration and holistic government’ Regional Studies Vol 34, No. 1, pp 67-79.
Mawson, J. et al. (2000) Devolved Approaches to Local Governance: Policy and Practice in Neighbourhood Management, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Mawson, J. et al. (2000) Devolved Approaches to Local Governance: Policy and Practice in Neighbourhood Management, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Chapman, T. and Hockey, J.(1999) Ideal Homes? Social Change and Domestic Life, London: Routledge.
Chapman, T. and Hockey, J.(1999) ‘The ideal home as it is imagined and lived’, in T. Chapman and J. Hockey (eds.) Ideal Homes? Social Change and Domestic Life, London: Routledge, pp1-14.
Chapman, T. (1999) ‘Spoiled home identities; the experience of burglary’, in T Chapman and J Hockey (eds.) Ideal Homes? Social Change and Domestic Life, London: Routledge, pp133-146.
Chapman, T., J. Hockey and M. Wood (1999) ‘Daring to be different/ Choosing an alternative to the ideal home’, in T. Chapman and J. Hockey (eds.) Ideal Homes? Social Change and Domestic Life, London: Routledge, pp194-209.
Chapman, T. (1999) ‘The Ideal Home Exhibition: conventions and constraints on consumer choice in British homes’ in J. Hearn and S. Roseneil (eds.) (1999) BSA Explorations in Sociology: Consuming Culture: power and resistance, Vol. 55, London: Macmillan. pp 69-90.
Mawson, J. and Hall, S. (1999) Challenge Funding, Contracts and Area Regeneration, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.