About us

Academic, cultural and social events

Formal dinners

Membership of the SCR

Executive Committee

The Senior Common Room

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The Senior Common Room (SCR) contributes to the life and work of St Chad’s College by creating a community of people from within and outside the University who support the aims of the College and engage with its life. Its members include College fellows, officers, academic staff and tutors in College, and a larger and wonderfully diverse group of colleagues from all walks of life who seek to further the aims and objectives of the College and uphold its values. The SCR has its own physical common room (pictured), although the SCR does not have exclusive use of this room.

The SCR promotes the academic and cultural aims of the College by encouraging research activities, academic conversations and social and cultural activities. SCR members share in College governance, sponsor lectures and contribute to College life beyond the life of the SCR itself, for example by participating in and attending events across all three common rooms. Information about College events, as well as events organised by SCRs in other colleges to which our members are invited, is included in the weekly mailing to SCR members.

In addition to its regular intellectual, cultural and social events, the SCR gathers together once or twice a week to dine –– a time not just to share food, but also to share ideas and to welcome guests to the College. Each year the SCR allocates money from its funds and subscriptions to support undergraduate and postgraduate members of St Chad’s College through the Academic Development Fund. These awards typically range in value from £50 to £200 and can make a huge difference to students who report back to the SCR on their use of the awards. Applications are accepted throughout the year and assessed on a case by case basis before a recommendation is made to the SCR meeting.

The SCR’s constitution can be found here.

Academic, cultural and social events

A feature of the Chad’s SCR is the regular ‘conversation’ where members of the SCR learn about, and discuss, the work of invited speakers on a wide variety of subjects. The SCR also sponsors more formal lectures, poetry readings, round-tables, literary, social and musical events throughout the year, bridging the worlds of the academy, business, government, religion and culture. Members and Visiting Fellows are all encouraged to share in these aspects of the life of the SCR. More information, and this term’s programme of SCR events, can be found here. The College calendar of events for this term is here.

Formal dinners

The College normally dines formally on Tuesdays and Thursdays when SCR members, with their guests, gather for drinks in the Senior Common Room at 7.00 p.m. for dinner on high table at 7:30 p.m. Bookings are made online where dietary requirements can be specified. Menus for the current term can also be seen online. Payment for meals is made directly to the College either by transfer to the college bank account or by cheque to the Finance Office, not online. Meal prices and information on how to pay are given at the top of the sign-up page. Gowns are worn by Senior Common Room members at SCR Formals. Guests do not have to wear gowns but may choose to wear their own or borrow one from those available in the SCR.


Membership of the SCR

Members of the Senior Common Room are expected to support the aims of the College and to uphold its values. These can be seen in the College’s current strategy here.

In conferring membership of the SCR, the College (acting in the person of the Principal), signifies its respect for those invited and extends to them the privilege of involvement with the life and community of the College. In accepting membership, members signify their willingness to support and encourage the College and its aims and values, and to respond to the College’s invitation to contribute in specific ways to enrich its academic and cultural life.

The Rector is the Titular Head of the Senior Common Room and of the College. The Principal bears the sole authority of admission to the College, including to membership of the SCR. The Chair of the Governing Body and Governing Body members, the College Principal, Fellows, Vice-Principals, College Officers, Tutors, graduate directors, senior staff, and the teaching and research associates are all ex-officio members of the SCR during their term of office or exercise of their role.

Academic and academic-related staff of the university who are interested in joining the College are invited to apply by communicating with the SCR Membership Secretary or directly with the Principal. Existing members of the SCR (other than Associate or Visiting Members) may propose candidates for membership (whether or not they are members of the academic staff) at any time by submitting a new member proposal form to the SCR Membership Secretary, which can be found at the SCR documents page.

Proposals for membership will be considered by the SCR Membership Committee which meets at least once a term – normally the week before the termly SCR meeting – before being recommended to the Principal. Additional Membership Committees may be held in term if the number of proposals warrants it. Candidates proposed will normally be connected to the College in some substantial way or be able to make a specific contribution to enriching the College’s academic and cultural life.

Executive Committee

SCR President: The Revd Canon Rosalind Brown

Treasurer: John Hanks

Academic Officer: Dr Colin Crowder

Web Officer: Paul Braidford

Social Secretary: Dr Simon Williams

Secretary: Jenny Parker

Membership Secretary: Richard Taylor